How to Set up iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max

2 min readDec 20, 2019


Apple has a vast market share all over the globe and it offers numerous electronic gadgets like Watches, Phones, or Laptops. It does not matter whether you are a newbie or a veteran, every user needs a guide regarding setting up these gadgets as it is not an easy task. So here is how you can effectively set up your Apple device, be it iPhone 11 or iPhone 11 Pro Max:

Understanding Your Options

  1. Set up as new- It’s for users who are new to iPhones.
  2. Restore from previous iPhone, iPad- You can restore the system by either using USB or online by iCloud. This is for those who want to change the device and had an old version of the software.
  3. Import from Android, BlackBerry, or Windows phones- This is for those who want to switch their devices from Android or any other Windows phone to Apple iPhones.

How to Start Setting Up:

  1. When you switch on your device, you will see Hello in several languages.
  2. Slide to set up.
  3. Select Language.
  4. Click the Country and Select it.
  5. Select Network
  6. Select Set Up option
  7. Automatic Setup
  8. Manually Setup
  9. If you choose an automatic setup, It will be done automatically.
  10. If you choose manual setup, Continue with the following steps.
  11. Click Continue after Reading Data and Privacy information.
  12. Turn on Location Services. If you don’t want to turn it on skip the services option.
  13. Save Face ID.
  14. Set up a Password.

After this process, you will get the option to restore from backup, start-up as new, or move data from Android.

  1. You can restore data from iCloud or iTunes.
  2. You can transfer data from old iPhone to new iPhone.
  3. You can switch from Android to iPhone.

How to Set up as New to the Apple Device:

  1. Select the “Set Up as New” option.
  2. Provide Apple ID and Password, and if you don’t have, you can create it.
  3. Now, you have to agree to their terms and conditions.
  4. Select Agree to confirm.
  5. Set Apple Pay.
  6. Set iCloud Keychain.
  7. Set Siri.
  8. Click send diagnostic information to apple.
  9. Switch on Display zoom.
  10. Select Get Started.

Hopefully, the steps will help you set up your device effectively. Ensure to follow the steps correctly in order to get the most out of your device. Have a nice time with your new device.

James Walker is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

Source: iPhone




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